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Year 6

The teachers in Year 6 are Mrs Rudd and Mrs Boulstridge.

Our Learning Support Assistants are Mrs Adani-Clowes, mrs Briers, Mrs Dawson, Miss Green, Mrs King and Mrs Nicholls.

Follow us on Twitter to keep up to date with all things in Year 6!


This term we will be looking at:

History: Britain since 1948
Children learn about how Britain has changes since WWII. This includes technological advances and societal changes.  

Science: Seeing Light
Children learn about the human eye and how it is used to see light. They investigate how light can be split and the spectrum it is made up from.  

D.T: Chinese Inventions – Kites.
Children research different shapes and types of kites. They investigate the materials the kites are made from and then design, make and evaluate a kite of their own.  

Computing: We are Advertisers
Children create and edit their own promotional videos.  

PSHE: Relationships: Respecting rights
Children learn about the importance of self-respect and the need to respect the rights of people who are different in their belief and culture.  

Music: Music through the Decades
Children learn about how music has changed in post war Britain with the influence of American music and the British Invasion of America.  

French: Family and friends
Learn how to name, identify and say different vocabulary linked to the family.

PE: Circuit Training, Swimming and Invasion Games: Netball. 
Children learn the skills specific to playing netball. 

In Spring 2 we will be studying the following units of work:

Geography: North America
Children learn about the physical and human geography of North and Central America. In particular, they learn about the climate and the variety of climates that are present on the continent. This is compared to their own local area. 

Science: Classifying Organisms
Children learn about the different systems that are used to classify organisms and how
this classification enables scientists to distinguish similarities and differences.  

Art: Collage- Weaving
Children learn to use the technique of Punchinello weaving in the style of North American art. 

Computing: We are Network Technicians
This is an unplugged unit of work where children gain an understanding of Domain Names and Network systems.  

PSHE: Relationships - VIPs
Children learn about the important people in their life and how it can be ok to disagree or not think the same as someone they value.  

Appreciate and understand a wide range of high quality live and recorded music drawn from different traditions and cultures 

Is it better to express your beliefs in arts and architecture or in charity and generosity? (Christians, Muslims and non-religious (e.g. Humanists)) 

French: All in a day
Learn how to name, identify and say different vocabulary linked to times and daily activities.

Dance around the World and Net, court and wall games.


Homework tasks from the SATS Question booklets are set each Thursday for the children to complete and spellings are set every Monday. The focus objectives of the homework tasks will have already been taught in class and are set as a consolidation activity. Each week, your child will bring home a ‘Week at a Glance’ letter which highlights the objectives taught throughout the week in all curriculum areas. A list of additional, optional tasks are also suggested each week. 


On LoveReading 4 Kids you can read chapters of a huge range of books before you buy or borrow.

Children have a username and password for Read Theory.

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